Worshipping Together (Bilingually) In the Midst of COVID

Remembering your mercy, We turn our hearts to you again / We’re living in your hope , We’re singing your stor / O Blessed Savior, we worship you.

One of our most powerful weapons against COVID-19 and all the fear that surrounds it is worship. In worship we proclaim “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46). 

Today, Easter Sunday, we are releasing a new, bilingual song as part of the #EstamosJuntos (#We’reTogether) campaign that Caminemos Juntos has been leading in the Latino community. “Let’s Worship Together / Adoremos Juntos" was first written during a United Adoration led retreat connected to the Caminemos Juntos Argentina conference in Buenos Aires in 2018. Leaders from the US, Mexico and Argentina wrote the song first in Spanish. It was then was translated into English by a white and an African-American pastor and sung by two Latino youth in Chicago in April of this year. It boldly invites us to worship the Risen King, together, across all barriers of language, race and culture –especially in the midst of fear and uncertainty. 

We are encouraging churches to use this song during Sunday worship at some point during Eastertide as a sign of solidarity,  a way to “worship together” with our immigrant brothers and sisters who are being hit very hard by COVID, and a declaration of hope in the midst of fear. 

It is available for download or streaming today on all the platforms (Youtube, Spotify, iTunes, etc) and for free on our worship page :www.adoremosjuntos.com   Listen below and download the chord sheet here:.