Getting to know the family of Caminemos Juntos: Mimi

"Getting to know the family of Caminemos Juntos" is an interview project that seeks to share testimonies of some of the members of this movement, in order to promote unity and closeness among us, even through distance, and also motivate and inspire others to know a little bit more about what this mission consists of and how God has worked in it and through it.

Name: Mimi Guiracocha Bloomer

Age: 26

Nationality: Ecuadorian-American

Profession / occupation: Nurse

Role in Caminemos Juntos: Treasurer and Coordinator of Special Events

When did you begin with the movement? 2013


How did you connect with Caminemos Juntos?

During my last year at Wheaton College, I went with my friend Zach Stallard to a church fair at the university, and there we met Pastor Jonathan Kindberg and heard from Greenhouse and Church of the Resurrection, he gave us a file to apply for a internship, and Zach decided to do it. After my friend was accepted and began to serve there, I was able to learn more about these ministries and after a while Pastor Jonathan offered me to be officially involved and do an intership as well.

What motivated you to get involved and be part of this work?

The opportunity to serve Latinos through the church. And to be able to integrate my passions, desires and gifts, with my love for Christ, his church, and the Latino people.

Please tell us how the journey has been during these years, and the role changes you have had since your beginning until now.

My role started as "Community Health Evangelism Intern", with the Latino or Spanish-speaking churches in Chicago and suburbs, which at that time were 6 (from Greenhouse), but mainly with New Generation in Church of the Resurrection. I helped to establish a health culture focused on holistic medicine, integrating spirit, mind, soul and body. One way to do this was through the coordination of two health fairs where people could be educated, take cholesterol and sugar tests, be measured and weighed , have their stress levels evaluated, etc.

At the same time, I was supporting the women's ministry, doing Bible study and zumba classes, and I also collaborated with the children's ministry and the worship team.

Another area in which I was involved was Instituto San Pablo, it was a local training for the ministry that took place every one or two months.

After all this I had a break of almost two years, to go to nursing school, and later I gradually returned to collaborate in whatever was necessary, until my current role as Treasurer and Coordinator of Special Events was defined.

What has been the most wonderful thing about serving in this movement?

To have a community of people who are in a similar walk to mine, and who move towards similar destinations. In addition, being part of a global Latino family through Caminemos Juntos, and knowing that I have brothers and sisters around the world.

What has been the most difficult during these years of service?

To find our voice as Caminemos Juntos and be able to be seen and heard.

How do you link your nursing career and your service here in your mission and purpose?

I serve Latino people in my work as a nurse, and I have the language and understanding to interact with them from my Christian heart, I see this as a clear fruit of being part of Caminemos Juntos, and of the growth that I have experienced here.

How do you see yourself serving in the future?

I want to continue with the roles I have now; and also to be able to support with new knowledge through my doctorate, to continue creating culture and systems for the implementation of holistic health. In turn, I want to be an instrument that helps create young Latino leaders.

What do you dream for Caminemos Juntos?

May we grow as a movement, not only outward but also inward, to raise up Latino leaders who can impact the global church.